Monday, February 7, 2011

Shopping List Magic

Many fitness programs that come with a nutrition manual are a lot of work that make you prepare everything from scratch and often make you have to seriously change what you are eating. If you have time and ability for that, YOU WILL EXCEL. 
Let's say you are in a different situation and you need fast or portable options that are easy to shop for or that you are used to shopping for. The information below may help you get your portions right for meals you are already eating while you slowly transition to healthier options one meal at a time.

If you look at your diet over the last month there is probably a manageable list of things you are used to eating, am I right? We are all creatures of habit and I think that's especially true of diet. That's why it's so hard to change what we eat!

The P90X Diet Guide, Insanity Elite Nutrition Guide, and Turbo Fire Fuel the Fire are trick nutrition plans; no doubt about it. Their goal is to teach you to eat like an athlete... the time factor is very expensive. If you stick with it, we all know the results you will get. If your schedule or lifestyle means you have to modify, Tony, Shaun, and Chalene will understand.

Here's what I recommend as a starting point:
  1. Make a list of all your regular meals (recipes) weather you eat in or take out.
  2. Run the numbers on them real quick. Excel can make fast work of the math. Yes, I mean counting calories, fat, carbs, and protein... sodium if you take-out often.
  3. Start planning meals from this list that first meet caloric requirements, second, meet macro-nutrient requirements. More later.
  4. Plan your meals for the week. I can pencil this on a note pad in 2 minutes. Another 3 minutes and the accompanying shopping list is DONE.
  5. When I don't forget something, shopping takes me one and a half hours per week for a family of four. I'm the family cook.
This works for the regular home life but yours may be a special case. Use it where you can.
What does this list look like...?
Monday- Lunch:
------------ Dinner:

Tuesday- Lunch:
------------ Dinner:

Wednesday- Lunch:
------------ Dinner:
Thursday- Lunch:
------------ Dinner:

Friday- Lunch:
------------ Dinner:
Shopping List:
Notice: No breakfasts or snacks! These things are super common; you know what you need to keep in your pantry for these things. Check your fridge as you make your list and be sure these breakfast and snack items are stocked. This will keep you from grabbing non-healthy items.
Notice: I leave a couple days out. Odds are I will be in a super hurry one night and eat left-overs or make breakfast for dinner. Keep it simple, baby!
Add to your list the needed items from your meal list above. Now make sure to take into consideration the needs of other members of your family. Odds are your kids aren't on your nutrition plan! They don't have your goals! So take their needs into consideration, but focus on yours. You can't help nor inspire anyone if your fat and dead.
I can tell you that for a family of four, I spend an average of $150/wk on fresh healthy groceries. Add to that my shakes, bars, and vitamins and my family is likely at $200/wk. Is your health worth that? I figure it will save me many illnesses and injuries in the long run to spend this cashola on preventive health.
Now you're like, "But I said I don't have time to count!" I got it. Do it once and start getting into the habit of keeping your portions that same size to reach your caloric needs. Do it periodically to help build your skills and calibrate your portion-sizer in your brain.

My biggest success has come from eating as lower carb foods and as many fresh veggies as I could. I didn't sweat a lot of macros (fat, carbs, protein). I am bound to get hate mail for this by the way. I did keep a small sheet in my weekly planner where I could jot down rough numbers so I could know when I had plenty or needed more. I get busy and lose track of time often. I travel a few days per week, but I do get to pack a cooler in my truck.

You have a caloric needs calculator on your Team Beachbody Website. If you don't have one get with your Team Beachbody Coach and we will set you up and walk you through it. Figure out how many calories you need per day and divide that by how many meals you will eat in a day. I suggest 5. I actually liked six meals... Meal #6 was ice cream! More hate mail. 
For busy people, I am as concerned with you getting too few calories as too many. My bigger concern is nutrient density. Be sure you are taking a good multivitamin. Look into Shakeology for a meal replacment shake that will fit in your purse and packs the nutrient equivalent of 14 trips to the salad bar. Also available through your Team Beachbody Account. Your body will tell you that you're hungry when you really just need more vitamins. Your body doesn't have any way of telling you the difference! Does that make sense or do you want me to get more sciency?

Then you have portable snack options like the P90X Peak Performance bar. About 250, calories 33% protein, and so good you feel like you're cheating. Did I mention it fits in your purse? Or book bag for guys reading this later...

Here's some quick ideas that you may be able to kit up for your road-warrior like day:
Hard Boiled egg: 140 calories, 12g protein.
P90X Bar: 250 calories 20g protein
Shakeology: 140 calories, 18g protein
Yogurt: 200cal, 8g protein (varies)
Apple: 80 cal, varies
Fat Free Cottage Cheese (1cu): 160cal, 38g protein
---add Dole Tropical Fruit Cup for 60 sweet calories!

So lets say you need 2000 calories per day to tone up with P90X (varies with many factors). Get yourself a good breakfast, good dinner, pack a P90X bar, packet of Shakeology, Cottage Cheese+Fruit, and maybe 2 HB eggs (750 cal so far), and you can find a fruit vendor in walking distance to your office... maybe some yogurt but then you've may have just over eaten! Snack on this stuff two or more meals during your day and you win!

Can it be done? Yes. You may just need a phone relationship with a good coach.

I am here if you need me. Friend me on Facebook and I will help anyway I can.
Coach Jeff
Why You Got Fat
Journal It! Nutrition Edition
They Sabotage My Fitness!!
Food Journaling Again

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