Meet Gena

Welcome to our blog.

Our Coach Mantra:
"I will be your coach. I will help to mentor you. When you have fitness or nutrition questions, I will be here to answer them. When you are struggling to push play, let me know and I will help to motivate you. I can guarantee, a time will come when the food will be an issue, pushing play will be an issue, motivation will be an issue. So I am here to help guide you on your path to the new freedom that comes with your new mind and body."

We ask people that we are coaching to post on one of our Facebook walls consistently to let us know how you are doing. With Facebook as an accountability tool, we can work hard to keep an eye on you and your successes, but it's easier if you bring them to us! Should you fall off the wagon, we'll come calling to get you back on it.

If it sounds like this is something you would like to have, take a look at our individual account pages to get to know us a little better, then click the link next to our picture to join our team. We look forward to seeing you set free!

About Gena
I could write a mini-novel of the pains and struggles of going through life obese. I’ve destroyed almost all of those photos but thanks to my mother, a few still exist of the heavier me. I used to be over 230 lbs. Take a look at my before and after pics to see the difference. Can you recognize me? I can’t. I am a different person able to do all the things the old me never thought possible.

My dream was to hike the beautiful mountains of the Pacific Northwest. I had already lost over 100 pounds but still lacked strength and endurance. A 3 mile hike felt like a marathon. My husband says, “There is a difference between being skinny and being fit.” Then he brought home P90X. After 90 days of P90X I went on my first 26 mile backpacking trip. It was amazing!

My goal for 2011 is to help 50 people significantly increase their level of health and fitness. I’ve started a free fit club on Wednesday nights at the Tillamook Library. That means that every Wednesday night I get to show people how I broke free from the cage of obesity and opened the doors to my new wonderful life! If I can do it, YOU can do it.

I’m finally living the life I always dreamed of. This last summer we hiked 49 miles around Mount Hood (going over 2 glaciers) and 52 miles around Three Sisters. I have kayaked many of the rivers around Tillamook County and even ventured out to the open ocean a few times. Most of all, I get to play with my kids more instead of sitting on the bench! I'm no longer sitting on the couch wishing, I'm planning and actually doing the things I dream of.

Connect with me:
My Coach Page