Wednesday, December 14, 2011

23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?

I would like to tip my hat to Dr. Mike Evans and illustrator Liisa Sorsa. Anything that can be done to make health and fitness more entertaining and informative is a win in my book and the simple tactics discussed in the next nine minutes can change your life no matter your fitness level. Sit still and zoom in!

What are you waiting for? Join my club.

Fat is Now Illegal in Japan
Monkey See, Monkey Do! Why I believe in DVD Fitness
How do I Get My Husband to Exercise?
The Fountain of Youth
Amplify Your Relationships With Fitness

I'm a Coach!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this video! With all the studies out there on the benefits of exercise, this clip does a great job of summarizing them.

    It's amazing what just 30 minutes of daily exercise can do for your quality of life. It makes our job as coaches and trainers all the more rewarding!

    Thank you again for the great post!
