Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Prevent Shoulder Injury, Reduce Upper Back Pain!

First let me give credit to a man I value greatly who put the videos below together for his loyal fans. Steve Edwards is Beachbody's Director of Results and a man I greatly admire. If you aren't reading his blog, you should be. If you are, you may see some of his work mentioned on my blog from time to time 'cause the man is A-Mazing!

...but back to my amazing story and how it helps YOU!

It's no secret that I have a history of shoulder trouble.

I guess I was about 20 the first time I got hung up riding a bull. As we came out of the gate to bull went left-right-left then into a spin to the right. Slick-healed (sans spurs) I lost my balance and headed for the dirt but my left hand stayed in the riggin'.

Initially I was being dragged and bounced around by my left hand until I got my boots under me and began jumping with the bull, trying to untie my left with my right. Before I could do that I felt the bulls hoof on the back of my calf throwing me to the ground, then another hoof kick me in the ass.

The good news was that I was out of the rig; bad news was the bull still wasn't happy.

The clowns got the bull's attention and yelled at me to get the fence, then over it. That's when I realized my shoulder was out of socket. Thinking back, I remember it in the hustle.

As I was tossed to the ground I tried to stop my fall with my arm. When I did that the shoulder popped right out the back.

My friend Andy helped me put the shoulder back in socket with a move he learned from a karate movie so I told him he would have to go to the doctor with me the following day.

Since then I have had a heck of a time with that shoulder. I dare say it's been out of socket over 20 times. Even one night on a mission off the coast of a not so friendly country!

The other shoulder has only been out once when a tree fell on me down-hill mountain biking at Whistler, British Columbia. That one hurt more until I found the fountain of youth.

So I know a thing or two about the shoulder socket. These are some of the best preventive and corrective shoulder exercises I have used to make the pain go away and to keep these blasted shoulders from falling out of socket.

Take care of your shoulders and they will take care of you! Injury only slows down growth so always focus on prevention.

Fountain of Youth

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