Monday, March 8, 2010

Find Your Why

If you are a coach, you understand the motivation behind your why. Check that out in Coaches Corner.

For general fitness, I find an individual's motives can fall into one of three categories:
1. Health and Longevity
2. Physical Performance
3. Sex Appeal

1. Health and Longevity. If you fall into this group, your greatest motivational factor in a healthy lifestyle may be to watch your great-grandkids grow up!! You want the years at the end of your life to be as productive as the years at the beginning.

2. Physical Performance. Are you a competitor? This may be you. Performers are always look to win the next race. Sometimes they just want to know that if there ever IS a Zombie Plague, they will be able to out perform the undead. If you are neither, but always seem to be training for something but don't necessarily know what, you may be in this category.

3. Sex Appeal. In a Shakeology commercial recently I heard a girl say she felt good naked. It is a simple thing, but it may be very powerful to you! If so, here you are. How many of us just feel less than sexy when we stand in front of a mirror? It feels great when you reach your goal and can be proud of your birthday suit.

You should figure out which one of these motivates you the most so you know how to set and measure your goals. Category 1 should set goals for ...I may have to think about this before putting my foot in my mouth! Category 2 should set goals for performance (run how fast, how far, how many push-ups, whatever). Cat. 3 should set goals for circumference, bodyfat %, etc. Warning: if you are a Category 3 and you get below a certain percentage of body fat and still don't feel sexy, seek counseling. Your body needs some fat to stay healthy. Don't take this too far!

As a coach, you may be able to help your team with this too! Remember that your motivator may not be your member's motivator.

That said, I am planning a trip around Mt. Hood this summer. We are hiking over 40 miles in 3 days with 40lbs of gear each. I can't let someone come who I think can't make it. This has sling-shotted some of my crew into Category 2 to make sure they can come play with us. They are doing every workout I throw at them to get ready; two have started P90X, one is about to start Insanity, I got a Brazil Buttlifter, and a few joggers and elliptical burners. Should be a great (and safe) trip.

Motivation is a beautiful thing. Find yours and keep it game-fully employed!

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